Annual health check for people with learning disabilities

The NHS Long Term Plan introduced targets to ensure GP practices offer an annual health check for people with learning disabilities.

People with learning disabilities can have poorer physical and mental health than others and die younger. Annual health checks can provide a way to detect, treat and prevent new and unmet health conditions. Care for ongoing conditions can also be reviews during the annual check.

What Healthwatch Newcastle did

During autumn 2021 we invited people with a learning disability and their carers/support workers to share their views and experiences of the annual health check via a questionnaire and focus groups. Healthwatch Newcastle spoke to GP practice managers, GPs and local Primary Care Networks. They told us about the achievements and issues involved in delivering annual health checks at practice level.

We learnt that GP practices are working hard to develop lasting and trusting relationships with patients who have a learning disability. We will share our report and recommendations with key stakeholders. The aim is to help support better health outcomes for people with a learning disability.


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Annual health checks for adults with learning disabilities

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