Don't forget to order your repeat prescriptions

With Christmas just around the corner, we're reminding patients to order and collect repeat prescriptions in good time for the holiday period.
baubles on a christmas tree

This year, with Christmas and New Year falling on a weekend, there are more Bank Holidays and therefore fewer working days when GP practices and pharmacies are open.

Chief Executive of Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead Siobhan O’Neil said:

“In light of pressures on the NHS, it is essential that people have enough medication to last them over the holiday period as the NHS 111 service receives many calls from people who have run out of their medicines. We know that people have a lot on their minds at Christmas but now is the time for them to check their medication and see if they have enough to last. We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank the staff in the NHS and social care, and charities and volunteers for all their hard work delivering care and support during a challenging year.”

Ordering repeat prescriptions can be done by telephone or online with many GP practices. Find your nearest pharmacy here