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    Our complaints process outlines how to make a complaint about us and our approach to making sure complaints are resolved.
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    The NHS Long Term Plan introduced targets to ensure GP practices offer an annual health check for people with learning disabilities.

    People with learning disabilities can have poorer physical and mental health than others and die younger. Annual health checks can provide a way to detect, treat and prevent new and unmet health conditions. Care for ongoing conditions can also be reviews during the annual check.
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    Healthwatch teams across the North East region saw a significant increase in concerns about accessing NHS dental care during 2021. Eight local Healthwatch worked together to gather people’s experiences in the region. We published a report outlining our collective survey findings from March 2020 to January 2022.
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    In March 2022 HWG and HWN launched a survey to gather young people’s views and general experiences of loneliness and social isolation.
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    Agendas, notes, and minutes for our committee meetings and annual general meetings.
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    Our annual report for 2021–22 outlines Healthwatch activities over the year to understand and improve people's experiences of social care and health services in Newcastle upon Tyne.
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    It has been a contractual requirement for each GP practice since April 2016 to have an active and involved Patient Participation Group (PPG).

    We set out to create a best practice award for PPGs aimed to increase and improve the involvement of patients in their GP practice. Several GP practices in Newcastle and Gateshead participated in our pilot from autumn 2019 to February 2021. This interim report outlines what we did.
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    Healthwatch teams across the North East region saw a significant increase in concerns about accessing NHS dental care during 2021. Eight local Healthwatch worked together to gather people’s experiences in the region. This report outlines our collective survey findings from March 2020 to January 2022.
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    We wanted to gain a greater understanding of people’s experiences of caring during the COVID-19 pandemic and in accessing information and support. We included a short evaluation for people who had used Newcastle Carers’ services.
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    We compared the findings from two surveys of carers — one in Newcastle and one in North Tyneside. Our report looks at the similarities and differences in carers' needs in the two local authority areas during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    This is a copy of our Record Keeping and Retention Policy