The Impact of Winter Pressures and the Cost of Living 2022-2023

The sudden rise in energy prices and accompanying increase in inflation in 2022 led to a big leap in the cost of living for people in the UK and wage growth since summer 2021 had not kept pace with inflation. Added to this, inflation has been higher in essential goods and services such as food prices. The cost-of-living crisis has dropped out of the news over the summer, but Citizens Advice Bureau Newcastle reports that there has been no drop-off in requests for support, especially around financial matters, and material support.

Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead engaged with the populations in Newcastle and Gateshead in Spring 2023 to understand the impact of the rising costs of living had had on people and their lives during the winter months.

The project focused on people’s experiences in two key areas:

1.          Perceptions of their financial situation

2.         Whether people had made any changes, anticipated doing so, or won’t make any changes relating to NHS services and medication, lifestyle, housing, money, food and living at home. 

Our report finds that people have made changes to their finance and across their lifestyle around:

  • Mental and physical health
  • Use of NHS
  • Diet and eating habits
  • Financial constraints
  • Social and Physical Activity  
  • Changes at home


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Cost of Living Report

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